Where We Work

We live where we work! 95 percent of our staff and volunteers are based in the field they work.

What works in Siem Reap may not work in Svay Rieng. That’s why we’re committed to a deep understanding of the people and the local WASH context in each field site. And it’s also why we have a long-standing presence in every field site where we work.

In most of these project sites, groundwater is easily accessible throughout the year, but the majority of families collect their water from a pond or an unprotected shallow well. This water is often is stagnant and contaminated with fecal waste from humans and livestock. All of these provinces, especially the districts that Clear Cambodia works in, are agricultural communities. Families often live on their small plot of land and survive on the rice, vegetables and meat they can grow on their farms. Family incomes for rural farmers in these areas are very low and many of these families live at or below the international poverty line. We source the sand and gravel for our BioSand filter medium from the mountains of Kampong Speu province.
