Clear Cambodia is a local Christian NGO chartered and based in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. We implement water and sanitation projects in partnership with local government offices of rural districts in outlying provinces. Our goal is to provide families in rural communities with access to safe water, sanitation facilities and hygiene education.
Communities where everyone has access to clean water, good sanitation and a healthy environment
To transform water quality, sanitation and health in target communities by making appropriate technology and education accessible to all
Our Values
We will implement our work with clarity, accuracy, and openness.
We will carry out our work joyfully, using all our strength, mind and heart, in order to help others.
We will treat all whom we deal with as we would like to be treated ourselves.
We will be accountable to our stakeholders, always ensuring that our actions match our words.
Putting others first will be our strength and the source of our success.
In 1997 I was traveling to inspect projects I was managing for Hagar International, an international NGO working here in Cambodia. As I was meeting families we were serving, I met a woman who had been part of our residential program in Phnom Penh. She had completed our program and returned to her home in the province. When she left our residential program she and her son were healthy and thriving.
As soon as I walked into their home in the province I knew something was wrong. Amy* and her son had changed dramatically, both had lost weight and her son’s stomach was swollen and distended. In talking to her I began to understand the problem. Amy* told me that they had enough food to eat, their shelter was adequate, they had a supportive community, and they even had enough water to drink. As we talked I asked her what water they were drinking. She pointed to a water jar in the corner of their small home with a scrap of wood covering it. I removed the wood covering the jar and immediately knew why their health had changed so dramatically. The water in the jar smelled terrible. It was cloudy, brown and there was a slimy film floating on the top. While Amy* and her son had access to an adequate volume of water, the water they had access to was contaminated with bacteria and parasites.
When I returned to Phnom Penh later that week I talked with my director about the threat that lack of clean water posed to the people we were serving. We searched locally for a method to provide clean water but were not able to find an economically viable solution. It was almost two years later that the director found a solution on a business trip to Canada. While in Canada to meet with a partner organization, he was introduced to BioSand filter technology. When he returned to Cambodia he asked me to begin developing a program to implement this technology for our project sites located in rural areas.
13 years after I first met Amy* and her son, the BioSand filter program had expanded to a point where it no longer fit under the mandate that Hagar International was operating under. In October of 2010, Clear Cambodia was formed as a locally run NGO serving the Cambodian people.
Clear Cambodia now has operations in 6 provinces. Each year Clear Cambodia assists local communities in constructing and installing over 21,000 home BioSand filters, and 90 school BioSand filters.
These investments in the communities of rural Cambodia are made possible by the generous support of our partner organizations, Charity Water and Samaritans Purse, and private donors.
Amy* – name changed to protect privacy
We are sharing a common passion for transforming WASH and overseeing the organization of over 100 staff working in more than 10 provinces in Cambodia.
Management Committee
Yim Viriya
Executive Director
Viriya has more than 18 years of experience in non-profit NGO management. He has led a variety of projects and programs. While working with Hagar International, Viriya was involved in establishing a water filter program which later functioned under his full responsibility. Headed up by him, the program progressively expanded and was localized as a non-governmental organization named Clear Cambodia in 2010.
Ko Sokmean
Operations Manager
Sokmean has extensive experience in the areas of Financial Modeling, Analysis, Strategic Thinking, and Business Management. She is a quick learner and good self-developer. Her management and leadership help to ensure that Clear Cambodia delivers measurable, and cost-effective results. Her specialist of operations brings the organization closer to meeting its goal of holistic approach to change comprehensive WASH program, realizing Safe drinking water, Improved sanitation and hygiene practices in the target communities across Cambodia.
Chan Monty
Fundraising Manager
Monty has 21 years of experience working with International NGO’s in the fields of health, education, agriculture, environmental protection, and water sanitation and hygiene. Monty holds a master’s degree in Development Management and is a certified Leadership Management Trainer recognized by Global Institutes. Monty joined the Clear Cambodia team in June of 2015.
Mao Savath
Household WASH Program Manager
Savath has extensive experience managing community development programs. He worked in a hospital for four years and then spent eight years managing maternal child health programs in refugee camps. From 1993-1999, he worked in holistic development in slum areas with Servants to Asia’s Urban Poor program in the outskirts of Phnom Penh. From 2000-2007, he managed a center for displaced women and children for Hagar International in Phnom Penh. From 2007-2009, he went back to work at a local NGO called TASKs as Program Holistic Development Manager. Since 2010, he has been managing the household water filter program for Clear Cambodia.
Ket Chanto
Admin and Human Resource Manager
Chanto has experiences working with Local and International NGO for more than 23 years, in the field of Finance and Education. He was the chief accountant, education program manager and education specialist. Beside this, he used to be a member of board of directors for two local NGOs, and a member of Human Resource Management Committee. He holds Diploma of Public Administration; Bachelor Degree of Business Administration major in Accounting; Master Degree of Education major in Educational Management and Planning, and Master Degree of Development Management. He started working with Clear Cambodia Organization in January 25, 2021.
Vann Chhorvy Vanny
School WASH Program Manager
Chhorvy has five years of experience in teaching at, and training staff in, primary schools. Beside her teaching experience, she also spent seven years working for Youth with A Mission of maternal child health program and another two years with the Japan International Cooperation Agency. After this she spent 17 years with Hagar International where she held different positions including Reintegration Manager and Case Management Manager. In these positions she worked closely with women and children doing counseling, advising, support work and management. She joined the Clear Cambodia team as the School WASH Project Manager in 2012.
Ky Ka
Water Partnership Services Manager
Ka earned a master’s degree in Business Administration in 2005. He worked 10 years for the Ministry of Industry and Handicraft as a deputy team leader where he managed projects including Private Sector Assessment, Enterprise Development Program, Capacity Building and Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standard (food safety, beverage and bottling drinking water). These projects promoted the growth of small and medium sized enterprises. After this he worked another 5 years with United Nations Development/CARRERE (Cambodia Area Rehabilitation and Regeneration) as advisor to the Secretariat of the Provincial Rural Development Committee in Battambang province. He joined the Clear Cambodia team in August of 2015.
Ly Sok Hun
Finance Manager
Sok Hun graduated MBA from Norton University in 2015. He manages all aspects of finance and accounting including ensuring the accuracy, consistency and compliance of the Finance Policy of Clear Cambodia. His high commitment honest and good teamwork are enabling him to manage toward the good practices of internal control and stewardship. Moreover, he is always motivated by his services within Clear Cambodia as this organization helps his fellow Cambodian gain access to clean water, good sanitation and a healthy environment.
Pann Mala
Monitoring and Evaluation Manager
Mala established herself as a self-starter in monitoring and evaluation filings for Clear Cambodia. She has been a M&E Manager at Clear Cambodia more than 2 years now. Previously, Mala worked as Assistant to the Executive Director starting in 2012. She is responsible for managing and maintaining data collection and reporting. She has 2 Bachelor’s degrees with honors distinctions. She holds a degree from the Royal University of Law & and Economics in Finance and Banking and a degree from Phnom Penh International University in English Literature.
Board of Directors
Chan T. Chem
Chea Muoykry
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