Why Change Lasts

Be Persistent

Our field staff are always on the move, visiting villages, inspecting filters, interviewing families and training communities and schools. Our data over the years has shown that interest tends to drop off in the months after families receive their filter and training. When people are busy they forget to keep up their hygiene habits.

We have designed the timing of our follow up visits to match the declines in interest that we see from the data we collect during our recipient interviews. Our staff members follow up 1 month, 4 months, 10 months and 12 months after the filter is installed. These visits make sure families are maintaining hygiene habits, using the filter system and that everything is working well.

Educate The Youth

We focus most of our energy on training the mothers and children of communities. Mothers and children are responsible for water collection, food preparation and other household chores where hygiene habits have the most effect on the health of the family.

By training the children we equip an energetic and vocal segment of the population to be advocates for hygienic practices and healthy lifestyles.

Be Visible

To help families remember our trainings we make sure our hygiene and water training is something people see often. As rural areas have a very low concentration of communication technology we focus on spreading our message in simple, practical ways. We distribute information on posters and printed materials that are given to community members to display in their homes to remind them of the good habits they should be keeping.

These printed materials remain in villagers homes for years.
